Starting at Ages 7+ Give Us a Call: (209) 571-0210
Online reservations for Individual Rentals are not required.
We do take walks-ons with no prior reservation needed on a first come, first serve basis. By making a reservation in advance you will speed up the check in process , save money and guarantee the availability on the requested day.
This package includes:
Half Day Admission
Rental Package
Unlimited Air Refills
Half Day - 9-:00-12:30 or
12:30pm - 4:00pm ONLY
*The price shown is only available
for those that book online, price is
$5 more at the window.
Standard Paintball Gun
Air Tank with Unlimited Air Re-Fills
200rnd Hopper
Protective Safety Mask / Goggle
Ammo Pack w/ 2 pods
This package includes:
Full Day Park Admission
Rental Package
Unlimited Air Refills
Full day - 9am - 4:00pm
*The price shown is only available
for those that book online, price is
$5 more at the window.
Standard Paintball Gun
Air Tank with Unlimited Air Re-Fills
200rnd Hopper
Protective Safety Mask / Goggle
Ammo Pack w/ 2 pods
MVP package includes:
Options 1 or 2 items plus:
Upgraded Paintball Gun
Upgraded Barrel
Upgraded Hopper
Based on availability day of rental. Can only be purchased as an upgrade with Rental Option 1 or 2.
*Players using rental equipment must use field paint purchased same day.
*Based on availability on day of rental.
*Players using rental equipment must use field paint purchased same day.
Sat-Sun sessions
Price includes entry and air.
ALL DAY SESSION $25 (9am - 4pm)
Play as little or as long as you'd like in this time period.
Extreme Paintball Park is a Park and Store Paint Only Facility.
First half hour is for check in/Orientation
*All paintball prices subject to change
Extreme Paintball Park is a Park and Store Paint Only Facility:
Rental Players must purchase Paintballs the same day from the Park.
Self-Equipped Players can purchase Paintballs from Extreme Paintball Park or Store
Click here for more information on the ‘Field/Store Paint Only’
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We are OPEN, learn how Extreme Paintball has taken additional steps to keep you safe.